Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vampire Diaries Takes Over Comic Con 2010

It was caos at Comic Con this year with 100's of fans squeezing their way to get the Vampire Diaries autograph. I was one of the lucky ones to get their autographs with a little push and shove. Paul was nice in person and so was Nina. Ian would kiss a girls hand if she wanted it to be kissed upon. He was so sweet in person and gave me an extra autograph before almost having it taken away.

Panel was another story. With the day coming to an end, there were a lot of fans sitting in the front row to get those snazzy pictures of Paul, Nina and Ian. The panel were asked many questions, but one question stood out, "Team Katherine or Team Elena?" Nina explained, "Damon is Team Katherine (Nina wrote Team Katherine on his hand) and Stefan is Team Elena".

It was a great day! I hope next year will be better.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

WB Comic Con Vampire Diaries Bags

WB posted up some pictures of the different tv shows that will have their very own bag at Comic Con. There are 11 WB bags that will be handed out. Vampire Diaries were among them and the bag looks pretty wicked. You can only get them at Comic Con at the check-in desk.

If you are not able to attend Comic Con this year, well you are not out of luck. At least we get to look and drool over this picture. *sigh*

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Comic Con TV Guide Special

At the WB booth they will be handing out 4 different TV Guide covers. One of them is of course The Vampire Diaries. Don't forget to get your copy and cherish it forever.

Isn't Ian HOT? or how about Paul?

I'm going to get myself a copy and hopefully get it signed as well.